Discover How to:

  • Make powerful medicinal remedies from scratch…
  • Preserve and stockpile HUGE quantities of delicious food that never (ever!) spoils.
  • Enjoy a steady supply of fresh clean water – 100% off grid
  • And MORE…

It’s all inside:

The Lost Frontier Handbook

Here’s a Glimpse of What You Get: Just keep in mind what you’ll see below is only the tip of the iceberg and there’s far more inside ‘The Lost Frontier Handbook’.

The Lost Frontier Handbook


The Most Powerful Remedies We Lost to History

With high-resolution images, detailed diagrams, and step-by-step instructions on:

  • How to Create Powerful Disinfectants at Home
    • Antiseptics are one of history’s great lifesavers. But what if they vanish from stores? Luckily, this simple substitute is as easy as 1-2-3.
  • Make Your Own Highly Effective Painkillers
    • Great for toothaches, chronic pain, and injuries. Without addictive drugs.
  • Safely Treat Wounds, Breaks, & Burns
    • Because there’s nothing worse than being unable to help a loved one in need.
  • Quickly Soothe a Sore Throat or Cough
    • No bitter tastes or itchiness. Instead, these tasty remedies leave victims singing.
  • How to Make “Frontier Penicillin”
    • Used for centuries to keep infection away with just a handful of items you probably have in your kitchen right now.

Plus, a whole lot more…

Such as how to treat:

  • Cold sores
  • Warts
  • Fungal infections
  • Soothe away inflammation and arthritis
  • What to do if someone you love has been poisoned!

How to Build a Food Stockpile That Never (Ever!) Spoils

Giving you endless, tasty meals to fall back on. The perfect safety net, without electricity, chemical preservatives, or gut-churning survival rations. Including how to…

  • Safely Preserve Meat for Years on End
    • By smoking, drying, curing, salting, larding, or dehydrating your food and more…
  • The A-Z of Canning and Pickling
    • Great for newbies and veterans alike. Packed with cutting edge recipes loved by all.
  • Companion Planting 101
    • The ultimate “how to” for a garden that raises itself.
  • 3 Ways to Refrigerate Food Without Electricity
    • Using a root cellar, 18th century icehouse, or a long-lost evaporation secret…
  • How to Hunt, Trap, and Process Wild Game
    • Plus, how to barter the pelts as a highly profitable side business when SHTF.

And more…

How to Thrive Through Another Great Depression

Using the lessons of real-world survivors. Including how to…

  • Save Stacks of Cash Every Month on Food
    • With easy-feasting tips that make the USDA’s $25-a-week “thrifty food plan” look wasteful.
  • The Best Wild Plants to Forage
    • Featuring super tasty seasonal picks most folk don’t know they can eat.
  • Make Soda & Ginger Beer the Old-Fashioned Way
    • And save close to $1,000 a year on soft drinks.
  • How to Raise Chickens 101
    • Because these gems are homesteaders’ best friends. Giving you nonstop eggs, meat, and garden pest-control.
  • Create Priceless Household Products From “Junk”
    • That aren’t just healthier and higher quality. You could also sell them for several times their cost to make. Including soaps, glues, and other prizes.

The Only Survival Superfoods You’ll Ever Need

These are some of the most nutritionally balanced, dependable recipes you’ll ever find. Whether it’s for hard times or a simple, lazy, long-lasting meal. Including…

  • The 100-year Survival Ration
    • Used by Native Americans, fur trappers, and arctic explorers for months’ long trips with no other supplies. Still safe to eat 100 years later.
  • The Pocket-Friendly Soup Adored by Mountain Men
    • Just break it up like a cracker before you eat it as a delicious instant meal.
  • The Bugout-Friendly Biscuit That Won the Civil War
    • This light snack simply refuses to go bad, no matter the climate.
  • The Viking Comfort Food That Stays Unspoiled for 3 Years
    • Which millions have used ever since to keep away malnutrition!
  • 22 “Forever Foods” Critical for Preppers
    • It’s not just grains, beans, and pasta either. But big surprises too. Such as popcorn, soy sauce, and alcohol. With a host of little-known and surprising benefits.

75 Items Worth More Than Gold in A Crisis

Because while a trivet, landline phone, copper coins, photo developing kit, can opener, fly paper, a coffee pot, or an old EMP-proof truck might not be top of your list NOW. Once you uncover why they’re here, they will be.

How to Enjoy Limitless Clean Water – 100% Off Grid

By making your own water filter from scratch. Using parts found in any yard. Great for an emergency or as a low-cost, renewable, natural part of a self-reliant lifestyle. It’s also made from the same amazing substance found in gas masks. Meaning you can use the same trick to craft one in a pinch.

Where to Find Free Land in the US

This information is top secret! As the ultimate step towards true self-reliance, we all want a little slice of heaven to call our own. Covering states as diverse as New York, Alaska, and Colorado. With pros and cons for each.

Special Gifts if You Order ‘The Lost Frontier Handbook’ Today

BONUS #1: The 80 Square Feet Medicinal Garden

Was $27 NOW FREE

This gift is a Claude Davis special. If you don’t know Claude, he’s been THE expert on anything to do with “the old ways” for decades. This guide is proof, laying out how to grow your own medical garden with just 80 sq. ft. of space.

BONUS #2: Surviving an Economic Collapse

Was $27 NOW FREE

Co-written by Luis, an Argentinean who endured one of the worst meltdowns in history. This guide is full of tips real people used to get through a national tragedy.

This is just a snapshot of what you’ll find inside The Lost Frontier Handbook. Order now to unlock the full potential of self-reliance and survival skills!