Your Essential Survival Guide
The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle And 126 Superfoods That You Can Store Without Refrigeration for Years
Discover the Secrets of Long-Lasting Superfoods
“The Lost SuperFoods” is your ultimate guide to discovering 126 superfoods that can be stored without refrigeration for years. These superfoods are not only long-lasting but also packed with essential nutrients, making them ideal for survival situations or emergencies.
Organized for Easy Understanding
One of the key features of “The Lost SuperFoods” is its detailed organization and presentation. The book is designed to be accessible to anyone, regardless of their cooking or stockpiling experience. Each superfood is explained in a clear, step-by-step fashion, accompanied by colored pictures and easy-to-follow instructions. This makes it easy for even beginners to take advantage of this valuable food knowledge.
Know What You’re Eating
The nutritional values of each superfood are also provided, ensuring that you know exactly what you’re consuming and how it benefits your body. This knowledge is crucial during emergencies when access to fresh food is limited.
The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle
One of the highlights of the book is its focus on the US Army’s forgotten food miracle. Developed during the Cold War, this superfood was designed to feed the entire US population in the harshest conditions. Despite its incredible effectiveness, the “Doomsday Ration,” as it was called, is surprisingly cheap to make, costing just 37 cents a day to feed an adult.
Historical Recipes and Preservation Methods
In addition to the US Army’s superfood, “The Lost SuperFoods” includes recipes and preservation methods from throughout history. These methods have been used during wars, famines, and other crises to ensure that people have access to nutritious food. For example, you’ll learn about the Ottoman Empire’s shelf-stable meat and the Viking superfood, both of which have stood the test of time and can still be used today.
Prepare for Any Emergency
Whether you’re preparing for a local emergency or a country-wide disaster, “The Lost SuperFoods” is an essential resource for any survival stockpile. It provides a wealth of information on how to feed yourself and your family nutritious meals even in the most challenging circumstances.
Act Now and Get Two Additional Reports for FREE
If you act now, you’ll also receive two additional reports for free. These reports contain valuable information on how to feed yourself for a whole month using just $100 at Walmart, the best 50 foods to dehydrate for your food stockpile, and much more. With “The Lost SuperFoods” on your shelf, you can banish all fears of starvation for good.